learn from the greats

excellence can be a competitive advantage I have sat through many a strategic planning session during which managers have crapped on about the strategic competitive advantage of the business – or better still, sustainable competitive advantage. Unfortunately, in most cases, most of the conversation has been – crap. Few understand the importance or power of […]

excellence can be a competitive advantage I have sat through many a strategic planning session during which managers have crapped on about the strategic competitive advantage of the business – or better still, sustainable competitive advantage. Unfortunately, in most cases, most of the conversation has been – crap. Few understand the importance or power of a strategic competitive advantage, and fewer still understand the requirements of a sustainable competitive advantage. Many seem to think that if they promote a competitive advantage hard enough and long enough, whether it is real or not will be immaterial. They are, of course, wrong. A competitive advantage always works better when it is real, tangible, meaningful, apparent, and demonstrated. The best sustainable competitive advantage is built around a feature or characteristic that is demanded by the primary target market and is rare among competitors. Given the commitment that most businesses seem to have to…

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Five Tips For Reducing
The Cost Of Branding.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

1. Get out of the boardroom.

Perhaps the two most concerning issues about branding are the lack of understanding about what brand and branding are and the propensity to develop brands in the boardroom, perhaps with the help of a consultant.....