I am a firm believer in the advantages of building a tribe. An powerful tribe will bring down the cost of marketing and help you maximise initial sales, repeat sales, and referral. Tribes facilitate permission marketing.

A tribe is a group of people who identify as being part of a community with which they share values. Tribes also tend to share a view of the world and the vision of those leading the tribe.

Building a tribe will take time, but it is not rocket science:

  1. Identify the members you want

A tribe needs to be exclusive. That is, it needs to be clear and evident who can be ‘in’ and who must be ‘out’. A tribe is as much about who cannot join, as it is about who can and should join.

  1. Establish leadership

Tribes tend to have a leader. Building a tribe almost always requires that you become that leader and provide guidance to those you want to join the tribe.

  1. Establish a vision

Tribes tend to gather around a vision or, at the very least, engage with a common vision. This will generally inspire them to act by joining the tribe and being active in it.

  1. Look beyond membership

Having a tribe offers real benefits in terms of driving sales upwards and costs down. That said, membership is of little value in itself. Members need to be engaged and encourage others.

  1. Establish clear values

Tribes tend to build when the members have a common view of the world and believe in the same things. Members buy into a tribe and buy from a business when values are aligned.

  1. Demonstrate ahead of articulate

It is naff to publish your values. No one believes you anyway. Values and a commitment to a common vision need to be demonstrated by behaviour and driven by culture.

  1. Reward membership

In addition to demonstrating a commitment to the values and the vision, it is important to offer more tangible rewards for membership and tribe engagement.

  1. Communicate consistently

To maintain and fully leverage a tribe, it is important to communicate with members in a way that they relate to and to which they are likely to respond. Communication inspires connection.


  1. Encourage congregation

It is important to communicate with members. It is also helpful if members can communicate with each other. This encourages connection and enhances the quality of the experience.

John Carlson Changed status to publish March 18, 2019
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