100% lies

PERCEPTION IS ALWAYS MORE IMPORTANT THAN REALITY There are those that would take the view that everything Tony Abbott says is false – or even a lie. There are those that will believe the opposite is true. There are those that would believe that Bill Shorten stands for absolutely nothing and there are those that […]

PERCEPTION IS ALWAYS MORE IMPORTANT THAN REALITY There are those that would take the view that everything Tony Abbott says is false – or even a lie. There are those that will believe the opposite is true. There are those that would believe that Bill Shorten stands for absolutely nothing and there are those that believe the exact opposite. The facts are – all of these people are wrong. All of these perceptions are extreme and wrong. No withstanding this – all of these people will make decisions and may even help select a government based on these perceptions. Perception is one of 25 drivers of human behaviour I will address over the next five weeks. As outlined in the lead article to this week’s THE REPORT, perception is a critically important driver of human and therefore consumer behaviour, it directly impacts on the success of your business – and…

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Five Tips For Reducing
The Cost Of Branding.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

Burning money on branding is more common than most marketers think. Because few businesses truly understand what a brand is and how branding works, advertising agencies, branding agencies and design studios have become expert at spending their client’s money without effective accountability.

1. Get out of the boardroom.

Perhaps the two most concerning issues about branding are the lack of understanding about what brand and branding are and the propensity to develop brands in the boardroom, perhaps with the help of a consultant.....